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Cheltenham Level Crossing Removal, Melbourne, VIC

The Victorian Government established the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) to manage one of the most significant infrastructure undertakings in the state’s history. In 2021, the hazardous level crossing at Charman and Park Roads in Cheltenham was eliminated. The rail line was sunk into a trench while the roads were reconstructed at their original height. A new entry portal was created at street level, and the existing station buildings were relocated to align with the train line.

Project Design Brief

The project required extensive new electrical systems for traffic signals, lighting,
communications, and CCTV to ensure safety. Additionally, the designers aimed to include a variety of pavement finishes at the new station entry portal.

ACO's Solution


  • Reduced rib access covers allow for tiles or pavers to be used up to 40mm thick, without the need for decorative edging
  • Covers enabled designers to preserve the continuity of the paving pattern on the pavement
  • Covers meet AS 3996 load class C

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