Swan River Pedestrian Bridge, Perth, WA
The Swan River Pedestrian Bridge officially named “Matagarup Bridge” (the Nyungar name meaning “place where the river is only leg deep, allowing it to be crossed”) provides pedestrian access across the Swan River between East Perth and the new Perth Stadium. The bridge structure is a three span steel cable-stayed bridge with two piers anchored in the riverbed. The total length is 560m with the shape resembling two flying swans and arches representing the wishbones.
Project Design Brief
A significant amount of electrical and communications services were installed on both sides of the river to provide the necessary power and lighting for the bridge. Large cable pits housing high voltage infrastructure had to be enclosed safely and securely beneath pedestrian pathways and maintenance vehicles.
ACO's Solution
- Rhinocast® multi-part 4-part access cover
- ACO Technical Services provided the structural designer with a detailed rebate and beam drawing for the 4-part multi-part access cover to be incorporated into the concrete slab
- The covers and beam can be removed individually providing easy access to maintain the underground services
- Class D covers can withstand heavy service vehicles accessing the site