Airport Central Station, Perth, WA
The Forrestfield–Airport Link Project, valued at $1.86 billion, was funded jointly by the Australian and Western Australian Governments. This project introduces a new rail service to Perth’s eastern suburbs, featuring new stations at Redcliffe, Airport Central, and High Wycombe. Positioned just south of the airport control tower, the new Airport Central Station is set to transform travel to and from Perth Airport.
Project Design Brief
To complement the diverse pavement finishes around the station, designers aimed to avoid unsightly utility services on the new surfaces. A full suite of new infrastructure was necessary to support lighting, communications, power, and CCTV coverage. This required the installation of several new electrical pits, with covers designed for easy access and maintenance.
ACO's Solution
- Single part Rhinocast® access covers
- Reduced rib access covers allow for tiles or pavers to be used up to 40mm thick, without the need for decorative edging
- Covers meet AS 3996 load class C
Other ACO products used:
- Trafficable cable enclosures (ACO Cablemate®)
- Trench drainage systems (ACO Drain)