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Rhinocast® - Infill iron access covers

Global mark certifiedA comprehensive range of iron recessed covers allowing for the infill of pavement materials.

ACO’s Rhinocast® Infill range is available in single part, 2 part, trench run and multipart configurations up to class G900kN (AS 3996).

The range comprises circular, square and rectangular infill access covers manufactured from ductile iron (grey iron frames) in full compliance with AS 3996 (accredited by Global-Mark ID: 101573)

Brass & stainless edging are options for aesthetic applications.

Rhinocast® circular infill access covers

Rhinocast Circular Recessed

Features & benefits

1Recessed Ductile iron cover
2Cellular frame for improved anchoring in the surrounding concrete
3Jacking pads for lifting cover

Rhinocast® single part infill access covers

Rhinocast Single Part Access Covers

Features & benefits

1Jacking pads for lifting cover
2Unique diagonal recessed reinforcing bars will not show through infill material
3 ‘T’ Frame machined to fit cover precisely
4Strengthening ribs are flush with the top of the cover and frame and will show through infill material.
5Optional locking bolt positions
6Decorative edging will add 12mm or 40mm to overall height to allow for tiles or brick pavers. For Class C access cover, If tiles are used or pavers less than 40mm thick. No decorative edging is required
7Cellular frame for improved anchorage in the surrounding concrete

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Rhinocast® two part infill access covers

Rhinocast Infill 2 Part Access Covers

Features & benefits

1Decorative edging will add 12mm or 40mm to overall height to allow for tiles or brick pavers
2Provided widths and loading are the same, any standard covers can be combined to create 2 – part units
3Undercut/drawcut overlap seals and supports the covers at the join without the need for crossbars
4‘T’ Frame for class B & C, and cellular frames for class D & G are machined to fit cover precisely
5Frame fits around both covers without the need for additional support the undercut/drawcut profile supports covers across the middle

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Rhinocast® Multipart infill access covers

Rhinocast Multipart Access Covers

Features & benefits

1The cover profiles are both drawcut and therefore require a centre frame to provide the seal and an underlying support beam to support the design load.
2 “T” frame for class B and cellular frames for class D & G are machined to fit covers precisely
3No beam support is required across the width of the multipart system. Overlap between the undercut and drawcut profiles of the covers (lengthways) provides sufficient support as well as a water & gas seal.
4Frame fits around all covers and a removable frame support beam is used between row
5Support beam sizes are determined according to loading and span requirements
6Beam locating boxes must be cast with the pit structure

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Rhinocast® Infill iron access covers - Product details


PDFDownload Spec Info

          Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Dia (mm)
Dia (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decortive Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
600RB 85107 615 735 58 30.0 55.0 n/a LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with circular covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri Bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - Cellular Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Dia (mm)
Dia (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
600RD 89109 615 830 102 51.0 98.0 n/a LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with circular covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri Bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Single part

          Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame

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Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI33B 85010 300x300 450x410 55 18.0 30.00 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI44B 85014 450x450 600x560 55 22.0 40.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI46B 85020 450x600 600x710 55 30.0 49.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI64B 85037 600x450 750x560 55 28.0 53.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI66B 85045 600x600 750x710 55 37.0 59.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI67B 85125 600x750 750x860 55 43.0 70.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI76B 85052 750x600 900x710 55 45.0 71.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI77B 85061 750x750 900x860 55 62.0 90.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI94B 85119 900x450 1050x560 55 45.0 66.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI96B 85078 900x600 1050x710 55 58.0 84.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI97B 85086 900x750 1050x860 55 71.0 98.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI99B 85093 900x900 1050x1010 55 86.0 114.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class C - AS 3996 - 150kN - T-Frame (Reduced rib covers for up to 40mm depth pavers)

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Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI44C 142313 450x450 622x619 85 30.0 63.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI66C 142314 600x600 772x769 85 56.0 98.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI96C 142315 900x600 1072x769 85 75.0 123.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI99C 142316 900x900 1072x1069 85 102.0 160.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 210kN - Cellular Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI33D 89010 300x300 512x512 100 32.0 54.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI44D 89013 450x450 662x662 100 42.0 82.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI46D 89020 450x600 662x812 100 53.0 97.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI64D 89034 600x450 812x662 100 56.0 97.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI66D 89041 600x600 812x812 100 66.0 113.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI67D 89137 600x750 812x962 100 80.0 134.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI76D 89058 750x600 962x812 100 78.0 134.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI77D 89065 750x750 962x962 100 92.0 153.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI94D 89124 900x450 1112x662 100 75.0 131.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI96D 89072 900x600 1112x812 100 86.0 149.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI97D 89086 900x750 1112x962 100 115.0 185.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI99D 89093 900x900 1112x1112 100 136.0 199.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame

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Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI33D4 89010 300x300 512x512 100 32 54 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI44D 143029 450x450 640x640 88 35 70 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI46D 143030 450x600 640x790 88 43 83 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI64D 143031 600x450 790x640 88 47 86 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI66D 143032 600x600 790x790 88 57 102 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI67D 143033 600x750 790x940 88 67 116 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI76D 143034 750x600 940x790 88 68 117 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI77D 143035 750x750 940x940 88 83 136 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI94D 143036 900x450 1090x640 88 65 113 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI96D 143037 900x600 1090x790 88 84 137 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI97D 143038 900x750 1090x940 88 98 156 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI99D 143039 900x900 1090x1090 88 117 179 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Bolts are standard for each cover, specify Standard Locking bolts (SL) or security rated Security Bolts (SB) after part no.
4. This size comes with a Cellular Frame

          Class G - AS 3996 - 900kN - Cellular Frame

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Type Part No. C/O1
Locking Option2 JPG
DI44G 87016 450x450 686x686 125 85.0 138.0 LD/BB JPG
DI64G 87039 600x450 836x686 125 109.0 162.0 LD/BB JPG
DI66G 87044 600x600 836x836 125 140.0 198.0 LD/BB JPG
DI77G 87067 750x750 986x986 125 193.0 284.0 LD/BB JPG
DI94G 87082 900x450 1136x686 125 133.0 215.0 LD/BB JPG
DI96G 87075 900x600 1136x836 125 180.0 262.0 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class G - AS 3996 - 900kN - T-Frame

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Type Part No. C/O1
Locking Option2 JPG
DI66G 143015 600x600 790x790 120 93 156 LD/BB JPG
DI77G 142924 750x750 940x940 120 131 204 LD/BB JPG
DI99G 143142 900x900 1090x1090 120 192 280 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Two part

          Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI249B 85418 450x945 600x1055 55 22.0/22.0 79.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2412B 85433 450x1245 600x1355 55 30.0/30.0 88.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI269B 85444 600x945 750x1055 55 28.0/28.0 94.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2610B 85459 600x1095 750x1205 55 28.0/37.0 100.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2612B 85465 600x1245 750x1355 55 37.0/37.0 106.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2613B 85426 600x1395 750x1505 55 37.0/43.0 117.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2615B 85555 600x1545 750x1655 55 43.0/43.0 128.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2712B 85477 750x1245 900x1355 55 45.0/45.0 131.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2713B 85482 750x1395 900x1505 55 45.0/62.0 146.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2715B 85499 750x1545 900x1655 55 62.0/62.0 166.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI299B 85159 900x945 1050x1055 55 45.0/45.0 116.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2910B 85510 900x1095 1050x1205 55 45.0/58.0 134.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2912B 85503 900x1245 1050x1355 55 58.0/58.0 152.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2915B 85524 900x1545 1050x1655 55 71.0/71.0 190.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2916B 85531 900x1695 1050x1805 55 71.0/86.0 166.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2918B 85548 900x1845 1050x1955 55 86.0/86.0 252.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class C - AS 3996 - 150kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI249C 142355 450x955 622x1124 85 30/30 110.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2612C 142356 600x1255 772x1424 85 56/56 176.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2912C 142357 900x1255 1072x1424 85 75/75 220.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2915C 143171 900x1555 1072x1724 85 75/102 252 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2918C 142358 900x1855 1072x2024 85 102/102 294.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 210kN - Cellular Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI249D 89415 450x970 662x1182 100 42.0/42.0 144.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2412D 89431 450x1270 662x1482 100 53.0/53.0 172.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI269D 89448 600x970 812x1182 100 56.0/56.0 171.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2611D 89456 600x1120 812x1332 100 56.0/66.0 190.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2612D 89463 600x1270 812x1482 100 66.0/66.0 206.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2614D 89542 600x1420 812x1632 100 66.0/80.0 227.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2615D 89556 600x1570 812x1782 100 80.0/80.0 238.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2712D 89474 750x1270 962x1482 100 78.0/78.0 232.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2714D 89489 750x1420 962x1632 100 78.0/92.0 253.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2715D 89495 750x1570 962x1782 100 92.0/92.0 274.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI299D 89162 900x970 1112x1182 100 75.0/75.0 228.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2911D 89422 900x1120 1112x1332 100 75.0/88.0 248.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2912D 89507 900x1270 1112x1482 100 88.0/88.0 268.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2914D 89512 900x1420 1112x1632 100 88.0/115.0 300.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2915D 89529 900x1570 1112x1782 100 115.0/115.0 336.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2918D 89533 900x1870 1112x2082 100 136.0/136.0 364.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI249D 143173 450x960 640x1150 88 35/35 119 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2411D 143174 450x1110 640x1300 88 35/43 122 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2412D 143175 450x1260 640x1450 88 43/43 147 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI269D 143176 600x960 790x1150 88 47/47 146 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2611D 143177 600x1110 790x1300 88 47/57 160 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2612D 143178 600x1260 790x1450 88 57/57 173 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2712D 143180 750x1260 940x1450 88 68/68 202 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2715D 143182 750x1560 940x1750 88 83/83 238 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI299D 143183 900x960 1090x1150 88 65/65 192 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2911D 143184 900x1110 1090x1300 88 65/84 212 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2912D 143185 900x1260 1090x1450 88 84/84 232 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2915D 143187 900x1560 1090x1750 88 84/117 270 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG
DI2918D 143189 900x1860 1090x2050 88 117/117 308 BE/SS-12/40 SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Bolts are standard for each cover, specify Standard Locking bolts (SL) or security rated Security Bolts (SB) after part no.

          Class G - AS 3996 -900kN - Cellular Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI249G 87415 450x990 686x1226 125 85.0/85.0 245.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI649G 87448 600x990 836x1226 125 109.0/109.0 290.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2611G 87456 600x1140 836x1376 125 109.0/140.0 326.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2612G 87463 600x1290 836x1526 125 140.0/140.0 362.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2715G 87450 750x1590 986x1826 125 193.0/193.0 521.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI299G 87568 900x990 1136x1226 125 142.0/142.0 380.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2911G 87507 900x1140 1136x1376 125 142.0/180.0 427.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG
DI2912G 87512 900x1290 1136x1526 125 180.0/180.0 474.0 BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class G - AS 3996 -900kN - T Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DI2612G 143195 600x1260 790X1450 120 93/93 275 n/a SL/SB JPG
DI2715G 143200 750x1560 940X1750 120 131/131 367 n/a SL/SB JPG
DI2918G 143206 900x1860 1090X2050 120 192/192 509 n/a SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

Due to the number of removable components including beams and individual covers, multipart access covers by their very design cannot be made water tight. This is why AS 3996: Access covers and grates excludes large access cover systems from its scope. AS 3996 requires compliance in a number of areas including gas and water tightness. ACO multipart covers are suitable for applications requiring general weather resistance on well drained enclosures. A reasonable degree of weather resistance can be achieved by sealing edges of covers, frame interfaces and lifting holes each time the cover is removed for servicing.

For applications requiring frequent access, ACO’s Servokat Assist lift covers are recommended.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Due to the number of removable components including beams and individual covers, multipart access covers by their very design cannot be made water tight. This is why AS 3996: Access covers and grates excludes large access cover systems from its scope. AS 3996 requires compliance in a number of areas including gas and water tightness. ACO multipart covers are suitable for applications requiring general weather resistance on well drained enclosures. A reasonable degree of weather resistance can be achieved by sealing edges of covers, frame interfaces and lifting holes each time the cover is removed for servicing.

For applications requiring frequent access, ACO’s Servokat Assist lift covers are recommended.



          Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
No Parts Cover
Load Bearing Beams Req. Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIMP109B 85817 1000x945 4-Part 2x2 1x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1312B 85822 1300x1245 4-Part 2x2 1x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1323B 85839 1300x2340 6-Part 2x3 1x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1615B 85843 1600x1545 4-Part 2x2 1x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1925B 85850 1900x2535 8-Part 2x4 1x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2015B 85864 2000x1545 6-Part 3x2 2x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2019B 85870 2000x1935 12-Part 3x4 2x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2423B 85888 2450x2340 9-Part 3x3 2x150mm UC BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2.  Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
No Parts Covers
W x L
Load Bearing Beams Req. Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIMP109D 143259 1050x960 4-Part 2x2 1x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1312D 143260 1350x1260 4-Part 2x2 1x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1323D 143261 1350x2370 6-Part 2x3 1x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1615D 143262 1650x1560 4-Part 2x2 1x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP1926D 143263 1950x2580 8-Part 2x4 1x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2115D 143264 2100x1560 6-Part 3x2 2x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2120D 143265 2100x2070 9-Part 3x3 2x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -
DIMP2523D 143266 2550x2370 9-Part 3x3 2x250mm UB BE/SS-12/40 LD/BB -

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2.  Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Due to the number of removable components including beams and individual covers, multipart access covers by their very design cannot be made water tight. This is why AS 3996: Access covers and grates excludes large access cover systems from its scope. AS 3996 requires compliance in a number of areas including gas and water tightness. ACO multipart covers are suitable for applications requiring general weather resistance on well drained enclosures. A reasonable degree of weather resistance can be achieved by sealing edges of covers, frame interfaces and lifting holes each time the cover is removed for servicing.

For applications requiring frequent access, ACO’s Servokat Assist lift covers are recommended.

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Installation tutorial

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ACO Cablemate pits and lidsCable pits and lids

ACO is one of Australia’s foremost manufacturers of trafficable cable pits and continuous surface ducting systems, complete with a selection of lids and access covers.

For more info, click here.

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