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Rhinocast® - Solid top iron access covers

Global mark certifiedA comprehensive range of iron solid top covers.

ACO’s Rhinocast® Solid Top range is available in single part, 2 part, trench run and multipart configurations up to class G900kN (AS 3996).

The range comprises circular, square and rectangular solid top access covers manufactured from ductile iron (grey iron frames) in full compliance with AS 3996 (accredited by Global-Mark ID: 101573)

Covers come complete with a P5 slip resistant surface.

Rhinocast® solid top circular iron access covers

Rhinocast Circular Solid

Features & benefits

1Ductile iron solid cover with square pattern
2Bolt down tabs for frame
3‘T’ Frame machined to fit cover precisely

Rhinocast® solid top single part iron access covers

Rhinocast Square Single Solid

Features & benefits

1Ductile iron solid cover with square pattern
2Hold-down bolts for added security or for back pressure applications

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Rhinocast®solid top two part access covers

Features & benefits

1Ductile iron solid cover with anti-slip surface
2Frame fits around both covers without the need for additional support, the undercut/drawcut profile supports covers across the middle
3Undercut/drawcut overlap seals and supports the covers at the join without the need for crossbars
4provided widths and loading are the same, any standard
covers can be combined to create 2-part units

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Rhinocast® solid top larger iron access covers

ACO can offer multipart solid top access covers to meet your requirements

Rhinocast Solid Top Multipart Access Covers
Rhinocast® Solid Top Multipart Access Covers
Rhinocast® Solid Top Multipart Access Covers
Rhinocast® Solid Top Multipart Access Covers

Due to the number of removable components including beams and individual covers, multipart access covers by their very design cannot be made water tight. This is why AS 3996-2006: Access covers and grates excludes large access cover systems from its scope. AS 3996-2006 requires compliance in a number of areas including gas and water tightness. ACO multipart covers are suitable for applications requiring general weather resistance on well drained enclosures. A reasonable degree of weather resistance can be achieved by sealing edges of covers, frame interfaces and lifting holes each time the cover is removed for servicing.

For applications requiring frequent access, ACO’s Servokat Assist lift covers are recommended.

Interested in EN124 compliant covers? Click here

Installation Tutorial Configure your own Multipart Request design assistance

Rhinocast® solid top iron access covers - Product details


PDFDownload Spec Info DN375 & DN600 

PDFDownload Spec Info DN615

     Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Dia (mm)
Dia (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decortive Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
375SB (blank) 143123 375 460 50 18 27 n/a LD/BB JPG
375SB (sewer) 85110 375 460 50 18 27 n/a LD/BB JPG
600SB (sewer) 85142 600 700 50 28.0 43.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
600SB (stormwater) 85196 600 700 50 28.0 43.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
615SB (sewer) 142937 615 730 / 791 48 26.0 40.0 n/a LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with circular covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri Bolts (BB) after part no.

     Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
Dia (mm)
Dia (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
375SD (blank) 143124 375 460 60 21 31 n/a LD/BB JPG
375SD (sewer) 89100 375 460 60 21 31 n/a LD/BB JPG
600SD (sewer) 89183 600 700 72 43.0 63.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
600SD (stormwater) 89155 600 700 72 43.0 63.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
615SD (sewer) 142997 615 722 / 775 62 31.0 51.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
615SD (stormwater) 142998 615 722 / 775 62 31.0 51.0 n/a LD/BB JPG
615SD (grease trap) 142999 615 722 / 775 62 31.0 51.0 n/a LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with circular covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri Bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Single part

     Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
WxL (mm)
WxL (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decortive Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS44B 85249 450x450 600x560 55 22.0 44.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS46B 85261 450x600 600x710 55 28.5 55.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS64B 85236 600x450 750x560 55 26.0 53.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS66B 85222 600x600 750x710 55 39.0 63.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS74B 85298 750x450 900x560 55 39.0 66.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS76B 85287 750x600 900x710 55 53.0 81.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS77B 85274 750x750 900x860 55 62.0 95.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS67B 85215 600x750 750x860 55 44.0 76.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS94B 85208 900x450 1050x560 55 48.0 83.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS96B 85253 900x600 1050x710 55 58.0 86.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS99B 143110 900x900 1050x1050 55 82 136 n/a STD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with solid top covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.


     Class D - AS 3996 - 210kN - Cellular Frame
Type Part No. C/O1
WxL (mm)
WxL (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS33D 143114 300x300 512x512 100 32.0 54.0 n/a STD/BB -
DIS44D 89268 450x450 662x662 100 44.0 84.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS46D 89283 450x600 662x812 100 52.0 99.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS64D 89251 600x450 812x662 100 50.0 103.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS66D 89235 600x600 812x812 100 70.0 121.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS67D 89227 600x750 812x962 100 81.0 141.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS74D 89294 750x450 962x662 100 66.0 120.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS76D 89309 750x600 962x812 100 84.0 140.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS77D 89315 750x750 962x962 100 100.0 161.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS94D 89215 900x450 1112x662 100 71.0 139.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS96D 89276 900x600 1112x812 100 98.0 163.0 n/a STD/BB JPG
DIS99D4 143111 900x900 100 107 179 n/a STD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with solid top covers
3. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.
4. This size comes with a T-Frame

     Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
WxL (mm)
WxL (mm)
Depth (mm)
Cover Wgt (kg) O/A1
Wgt (kg)
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS33D4 143114 300x300 512x512 100 32 54 n/a SL/SB -
DIS44D 143041 450x450 640x640 88 35 70 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS46D 143042 450x600 640x790 88 45 85 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS64D 143043 600x450 790x640 88 43 82 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS66D 143044 600x600 790x790 88 57 102 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS74D 143046 750x450 940x640 88 55 99 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS76D 143047 750x600 940x790 88 68 117 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS77D 143048 750x750 940x940 88 84 137 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS94D 143049 900x450 1090x640 88 70 118 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS96D 143050 900x600 1090x790 88 86 140 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS99D 143051 900x900 1090x1090 88 120 182 n/a SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative Brass (BE) or Stainless Steel (SS) edging can be added - just specify BE or SS and height (12mm or 40mm) after part no.
3. Bolts are standard for each cover, specify Standard Locking bolts (SL) or security rated Security Bolts (SB) after part no.
4. This size comes with a Cellular Frame

     Class G - AS 3996 - 900kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Locking Option2 JPG
DIS66G 143022 600x600 790x790 120 95 158 LD/BB JPG
DIS77G 142923 750x750 940x940 120 143 204 LD/BB JPG
DIS99G 143144 900x900 1090x1090 120 217 305 LD/BB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Two part

          Class B - AS 3996 - 80kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS249B 143207 450x945 600x1055 55 22/22 76 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2410B 85109 450x1095 600x1205 55 22/29 86 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2412B 86853 450x1245 600x1355 55 29/29 95 n/a SL/SB -
DIS269B 80753 600x945 750x1055 55 26/26 87 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2612B 143212 600x1245 75x1355 55 39/39 119 n/a SL/SB -
DIS279B 143213 750x945 900x1055 55 39/39 116 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2710B 143214 750x1095 900x1205 55 39/53 133 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2712B 143066 750x1245 900x1355 55 53/53 150 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2715B 143217 750x1545 900x1655 55 62/62 173 n/a SL/SB -
DIS299B 89953 900x945 1050x1050 55 48/48 137 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2910B 143219 900x1095 1050x1205 55 48/58 150 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2912B 143220 900x1245 1050x1355 55 58/58 163 n/a SL/SB -
DIS2918B 143223 900x1845 1050x1955 55 82/82 222 n/a SL/SB -

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with solid top covers.
3. Bolts are standard for each cover, specify Standard Locking bolts (SL) or security rated Security Bolts (SB) after part no.
If structural locking bolts are required, contact ACO.

          Class D - AS 3996 - 240kN - T-Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS249D 143224 450x960 640x1150 88 35/35 119 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2411D 143225 450x1110 640x1300 88 35/45 133 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2412D 143226 450x1260 640x1450 88 45/45 147 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS269D 143227 600x960 790x1150 88 43/43 139 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2611D 143228 600x1110 790x1300 88 43/57 157 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2612D 143229 600x1260 790x1450 88 57/57 175 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS279D 143232 750x960 940x1150 88 55/55 167 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2711D 143233 750x1110 940x1300 88 55/68 184 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2712D 143234 750x1260 940x1450 88 68/68 201 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2715D 143236 750x1560 940x1750 88 84/84 241 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS299D 143237 900x960 1090x1150 88 70/70 201 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2911D 143238 900x1110 1090x1300 88 70/86 221 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2912D 143239 900x1260 1090x1450 88 86/86 241 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2915D 143241 900x1560 1090x1750 88 86/120 283 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2918D 143242 900x1860 1090x2050 88 120/120 325 n/a SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Decorative edging - not available with solid top covers.
3. Bolts are standard for each cover, specify Standard Locking bolts (SL) or security rated Security Bolts (SB) after part no.
If structural locking bolts are required, contact ACO.

          Class G - AS 3996 -900kN - T Frame

PDFDownload Spec Info

Type Part No. C/O1
Decorative Edging2 Locking Option3 JPG
DIS2612G 143246 600x1260 790X1450 120 95/95 279 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2715G 143251 750x1560 940X1750 120 143/143 393 n/a SL/SB JPG
DIS2918G 143258 900x1860 1090X2050 120 217/217 559 n/a SL/SB JPG

1. C/O = Clear opening O/A = Overall
2. Optional locking bolts are available for security or back pressure applications - specify standard bolts (LD) or Barri bolts (BB) after part no.

  Part No Weight (kg) JPG
Universal short lifting key 84306 0.40 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - short handle (pair) 84654 3.60 JPG
Rhinocast®: lifting key - long handle (pair) 84854 8.10 JPG
Rhinocast®: sealing grease 4kg 73131 4.40 JPG

Due to the number of removable components including beams and individual covers, multipart access covers by their very design cannot be made water tight. This is why AS 3996: Access covers and grates excludes large access cover systems from its scope. AS 3996 requires compliance in a number of areas including gas and water tightness. ACO multipart covers are suitable for applications requiring general weather resistance on well drained enclosures. A reasonable degree of weather resistance can be achieved by sealing edges of covers, frame interfaces and lifting holes each time the cover is removed for servicing.

For applications requiring frequent access, ACO’s Servokat Assist lift covers are recommended.

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